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Friday, October 9, 2009


I just finished reading 'Twilight' and now into 'New Moon'. I don't like Stephenie Meyer's style of writing. But I love her story though. And now, I inspired to be a vampire - enternal beauty with grace and special ability. Sigh...
It's sad how Edward (the vampire) decided to breakup with Bella (the human) all of a sudden for her own good and cut of all ties with her as if he never existed. Now am reading how Bella surviving the break up in the next sequel, New Moon.
I told the man of the house that I wanna be a vampire. He said, he too and he will bring Rumba & Husky together. Then I asked, what about Sunshine? He said, no. Sunshine very boring. So I said, nevermind, I'll bring her. These are just the gist of some of the intelligent conversation that take place between us. Lols...


mun said...

Are you planning to read all 4 books in the "Twilight" saga?

Samantha said...

kesian Sunshine. Luckily u're not neglecting her. BTW, I've read all 4 books. They actually have another one that has not been published. It's the story from Edward's point of view. Let me know if you want it, cause I can email that version to u :D

Redbabe said...

hey mun, yeah, i planned to read the whole saga..cant stop halfway. Already hooked.

Samantha, ok ok.. dont tell me the story. Let me finish all 4 first, then i buzz u for the fifth book :)thanks in advance!