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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

From Tiger to Kitten to Harry Potter

I thought I was well enough to kill tigers last Friday... was out with my better half to celebrate his birthday with a sumptuos seafood dinner and later chilling out at a German beer bar nearby. Manatau, by time we called it a night, I have a sinking feeling that I 'sui chor'... kittens also dont know 'larat' to kill or not...
Though I was already feeling much better from flu last Friday, I celebrated it too early. Was down on Saturday again and this time, with a badly inflamed throat. I knew it was coming, you know, flu-cough-sorethroat... a package deal thingy usually, but I didnt expected it to come in such full force which naturally knocked me back into bed again with its on/off fever for another 4 days.
So now you know why it has all been quiet over here. Too tired to even get out of bed let alone to blog. Furthermore, what's there to blog when I am in dreamland most of the time? I've never slept so much in my entire life I think. On top of the normal night sleep, I would nap for 4 hours straight, only to wake up for toilet break, and continue napping another 4 hours. I thought I was turning into a pig or a polar bear in hibernation...
During this two long weeks of being almost invalid, I finished re-reading the 'Half Blood Prince' & the 'Deathly Hallows'. Though it was the second time I am reading it, it is nevertheless still pretty magical to me (I dont believe it that I forgotten most of what I've read the first time, talking about aging...). No wonder JK Rowlings is making so much money. After reading it, how I wished there is really a magical world beyond this Muggle society we are living it. Then, all I would need to do is just to whish & flick to get well. Then I will really be able to kill tigers already.... haiz...... *day dreaming*
I dug out all my DVDs yesterday for a Harry Potter marathon. I don't have the complete set yet, still short of the 'Order of Phoenix' (note to self: buy). Also planned to complete the book collections. Afterall, the books are more interesting than the actual movies. The movies are just to help to strengthen our imaginations. Magic. How wonderful if there really is magic. Then we would not need cars cause we can just 'apparate' to wherever we want to, promoting green environment & save travelling time, 'accio' to fetch whatever we needed, 'alohomora' to open all doors eleviating the need to carry keys around, and the best part is, to bewitched all houseworks to magically complete itself. Who need a maid then?
Hmm.... I think I have been sick for too long and going a little kuku already. Am starting to hallucinate and beginning to think I might have a house-elf at home cause the interior of my car look exceptionally clean suddenly and medicine which I clearly remember I've left it in the kitchen appearing right by my bed.... *crack*


Steven Annie said...

Hope you are felling better! Always enjoyed your posts updates even the ones that you are sick and not feeling well.

Terri Chai said...

Yes.. going cuckoo you are :)

Redbabe said...

StevenAnnie: Yeah... feeling much better, thanks. Glad that you like to read my blabbers even when I am in my shittiest...lols. How are you guys?

Terri: yeah.. joined the kuku club already..!

Gerry said...

Could the mysterious house elf be your darling hubby???

Redbabe said...

GerryMoon: No wor... he swore it wasnt him.