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Monday, November 9, 2009

I am feeling homely

After the marathon of dancing for the last two weeks, I just don't feel like going out much this weekend. Lazy to even blog. Haha... sounds weird huh... weird by my standard that is. Even the husband freak out a little. ;)
Did went out. Went brunch right thru to tea time with a girlfriend (one of the victim of my last entry) last Thurs. Though it was rather depressing knowing more details, other than that, we did had a great time. The chocolate moist cake at 'Delicious' was to die for. Hmm... need to plan another bitching session soon. We were into the topic of castrating until we were interrupted by the yummy cake... hehe... I am just kidding on the castrating part. That's just something I add on to make my blogging sound a tad more interesting. I am quite an exaggerator sometimes. What to do? No life.
Feeling still rather depressed with all the 'relationship' issues that's clouding my girlfriends, had a conversation with the man-of-d-house couple of days ago about it and came to a point that at our age, 30+, majority of our friends would have gotten married with kids. And now, though we hope they live happily ever after, I guess it is inevitable to see some separating, getting divorces, remarried, committing adultery, taking on mistresses/'toyboy' and etc. In another couple of years, should there be any social family gatherings, we will have to be very careful with the guestlists. Who to be invited and who not to be, so and so bringing wife 1 or wife 2, or is so and so ex-husband attending and etc... Typical. That's life I guess. I am not kidding. I've seen real situation where the husband have to go out the back door with wife no.2 when wife no.1 walking thru the front door. I know.. I know.. I also not sure why exactly they wanna make their life so miserable like that. No life I guess. Just so to make it a little more exciting. :p I always tell the man-of-d-house, this is what I called "Lorrie Jean" (cantonese) and he just laughed... hmmm...
Went to watch 'This Is It' with a bunch of friends on Friday night. Other that a fun outing, the documentary gave me an insight to MJ. The real MJ. It was awesome. He is one hell of a talented man with few words though. My mom was right. His most spoken words were just "I love you" & "God be with you" or was it "God bless you"? Hehehe... Mom was complaining at one time that she hardly heard MJ speaks anything more than "I love you"... lols... I can assure you he speaks more than that two verses in "This Is It". You will surely get your money worthwhile. Really, it was good. It shows how MJ rehearsed tiredlessly with his team. If only he didnt died, "This Is It" concert would be fantastic! Just too bad...
Anyway, since I've been feeling rather homely these two days, I took the opportunity to sleep in late on both the weekend morning. It felt good. It has been such a long time ago since I last had such luxury. Managed to clear some backlog stuff too like compiling the photos taken from our Bali trip into a photobook (printing it into a mag). Yeah, I know, it is way long overdue. The good news is, I managed to complete it yesterday & uploaded it in time to enjoy a 40% promotional discount. for printing. What a luck! *a pat on the shoulder for a job well done*
There are more that I wanna share but unfortunately, the man-of-d-house just finished his tv program and is now sitting right next to me with that 'PLEASE HURRY UP' look plastered all over his face. Alright. Good night. Tomorrow morning still got class. :p


mun said...

It is good that your girlfriends have you to lean on. You are a true friend.

Redbabe said...

Nope. I wasnt there for her to lean on. Only found out about the issues 4 months later. It's a pity it always unfortunate issues like these that brought friends together. Must change.

mun said...

You weren't there then but you are there for her now. Broken hearts needs time to heal and your friends need all the support they can get.

Redbabe said...

You are always so kind and encouraging. :)Thanks a lot.

mun said...

You're welcome! I am just a pessimist trying her best to be positive and to spread the positivity.