A short update on PP's condition (PP = popo/granny). For the last 3 days, she has shown tremendous improvement. Her mood was better and she is very cooperative with all the physio therapy. She even tried to chat up with our maid. A very good sign and everyone was very glad with the good news after so many bad ones.
However, just as we begin to see some sunlight, it gets gloomy all over again. All the improvement seems to have halt all of a sudden today. According to mom, PP vomitted the milk which was fed thru the tube to her this morning. Mom quickly send her to the hospital and the doctor on duty assured her that everything is alright and had the tube replaced on the account that it might have not been inserted well. After the ordeal, everything seems to go downhill again.
PP was very restless when she got home from the hospital. Mom's description was that she wriggled about most of the time subconciously. Meaning, she seems to move about on the chair and once, she almost fell off. But, whenever mom remind her to stop moving, she would. It's kinda hard to imagine, I can't really picture it either. It just seems so strange.
Also, she refused to lie down and rest. She would just dozed of sitting. Whenever she is in the room, she would ring them to help her out after 3 minutes in there. And all these is taking a toll on everybody at home. Sigh...
Mom says that PP been trying to tell her something this afternoon. She would first point to my mom, then to her own head. My mom still cant figure out what was PP trying to tell. I guess PP is disturbed about something and yet we cant figure out what it was. Mom has been asking her tonnes of questions whether is it this or that.
pee/shit ?= no
hungry/thirsty? = no
wash hair? = no
headache? = no
can't breathe? = no
uncomfortable? = no
something painful? = no
wanna go for car ride? = no
wants mom to dye her hair for her? = no
she seen something (spirits or something)? = no
she dream of grandpa? = no
My mom is really at the end of her wits now. She felt so helpless and she don't know what else she should do. She just held on to PP's hand and assured her that she would take care of her and tell her not to worry and that she will sleep with her. That stopped PP's restlessness for awhile. Half an hour later, everything starts all over again. According to mom, apparently at one time, PP was tossing and turning so badly that she and my aunt thought her time was up.
What's wrong??? Arrgghhh.......!
So sorry to hear about what happened.
I've been thru it and trust me, its no easy task to care for a "patient". But just have to have faith that we are doing our best to make them feel assured, loved and comfortable. The rest just leave it to the Almighty.
Please ask your mum to be strong. Coz if you "menggelabah", the "patient" can sense it too. Hang in there!
Your PP will always in my prayer!!
Thank you for praying for PP..
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
I can never thank enough... God bless!
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