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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's About The Traffic Counter Again (what's new?)

Some of you may have noticed that my traffic counter screwed up again. It was finally more than 2300 count and they decided to suspend it. They as in the people that provide the traffic counter service. Here, they are the 'acme-web-design.info' people. They terminated my counter cause I tempered with their programming codes.

I altered their codes so that the link to their website below the counter will not be shown. Therefore, no free publicity for them. The thing is, I've already altered it from day 1 (which is in Nov 08) and they only decided to suspend it now. Why now? Why not then? If their program is so hi-tech, they should be able to detect it from day 1 what... But no, they have to wait till my counter counted over the span of 3 months to reached 2300++ then only they terminate it. Sour grape.



mine was close to 6000, also got invaded and now starting fr scatch.

~ RaChel Lim ~ said...

Me too... :(