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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

A friend said, 'if relationship is good, everyday also Valentine's Day'. How very true. What's the point of spending hundreds and hundreds just for that day and then always quarrel on any other days?
As for Harrison & I, we usually celebrate this day low-key. Just a simple stalk of rose and then we go about our usual daily activities. Cause, I don't believe in paying triple for flowers or food that are mass produced and yet, still have to wait for ages to arrive. Might as well just give me the money.
This year, I left a Valentine card for him in the morning before I went out to meet a friend to learn some make up tips. When I got back, he bought me a rose. Later in the afternoon, we went back to Court 9 to grab some stuff and had tea at Papa Rich after that. Upon reaching home, we napped from 5:30 ~ 9:00pm (we were so freaking tired. since 'gem of life', we have been deprived of sleeps).

Having nothing else to do and extreme fresh, we took a drive to Gohtong Jaya for the Claypot Tong Fun Sang Har Mee (Fresh Water Prawn) which we love so very much. By time we arrived and finished our food, it is almost midnight. Still extremely fresh, we decided to head for the casino. Not that we are 'lan tou yu' (gambler) or what la... we just wanna sibuk sibuk a bit. Wanted to gamble but also not sure how to. Ended up putting a RM10 in a jackpot machine but not knowing how to take out the credit and in the end, can't wait to lose the RM10. Apparently, we are suppose to have some Genting card which can be slotted into the machine where winnings can be credited into. Since we don't have the card, I was praying so hard that we don't hit the jackpot...lols.... (see la... how to be lan tou yu like that???).
Anyway, we had good fun doing things we don't usually would do (i.e. casino). Love the dinner and enjoyed the cool air too. That is something about the cool air that seems kinda romantic up there... weird. By time we got home it was already 2:30am. Basically, that's our Valentine. =) Nothing great, just simple pleasure of having each other's company.

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