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Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Birthday Celebration = Another Excuse to Go Gila (Mad)

Last Saturday was a great fanfare.  We basically took up the whole Brussel Beer Cafe in Menara Hap Seng Kuala Lumpur.  Stylo le... No, not because there were a hundred of us.  But it was because their KL's outlet were simply deserted on a Saturday night!
We basically have the whole place to ourselves to celebrate the birthday of a fellow Deliquenos, Mr Derek!  We can laugh loud loud, talk loud loud, scream loud loud, curse loud loud complete with international hand signs, jump high high, do a little skip here and there, run around naked for all we care, nobody would bat even an eyelid.  Alright, not the naked part.  
There were only 8 of us.  But the amount of noise that we created... can match those from the pasar malam (night market).  Only when we were leaving we realized how quiet the place was.  Too engrossed  with each other's company and talking all at once. 
Some of us had the Hoegaarden.  Some, the Stella Artois and some, Leffe Blonde.  And yours truly, always prefer the Leffe Brune - lighter than stout, thicker than beer.  Just right for my taste buds!  Only ordered half pint for myself.  No time to drink.  Need to salvage more time to tokkok singsong and blast myself away with laughters and fun!
We, the girls, with the birthday boy.  All those smiles, can't remember what we were talking about though.   There were supposed to be 2 more girls, unfortunately, once again, unforeseen circumstances.  Seems to have lots of unforeseen circumstances popping up these days.  It must be in season!
We had, of course Brussel's MUST HAVE, and that is,  the Brussel's Pork Knuckle!  It was yummy.  Crispy on the outside, tender & juicy on the inside! Succulent!
Their week's special (I think), meatballs in cream sauce.  Equally perfectly done.
Also a Beer Food Platter - mixture of calamari, chips, sausages which turned out looking rather obscene...  the girls & boys had fun joking and playing with it! Lols...
And some greens too.   Mommi said must eat plenty of vegetables!  Simple yet refreshing.  That evening was the first time in my life I had so much capsicums. I basically walloped all.  They actually tasted sweet unlike the typical bitter taste most had.
Derek and I still trying to figure out what was the fingers pointing all about?  Wonder what were we talking about or arguing about until Florence laughed till like that.  I am sure it has totally nothing to do with WaiKong since he is the only one standing up and toasting to don't know what...
We also took the opportunity to present 'house warming' gifts to 3 of our other fellow Deliquenos who recently shifted into their new homes.  The 'GIFTS' was actually secret project undertaken by Derek, Florence & myself on behalf of the group.  The purpose?  To surprise them and moved them to tears!  Lols... For Penny, we combed thru hundreds of photos, finalized on this one and had it framed beautifully.  It turned out pretty awesome.  Classic & nice!  Love it!
As for Jason, a little bird told us that he have a 'salsa corner' in his new home.  So, for a salsaholic, we decided to do a painting for him.  Hand-painted ok.  No joke.  Pretty good job eh?  We were actually fretting out that he may not like it yet felt obligated to hang it up. So we went like "It's ok if you don't wanna hang it up". One look at it he went... "Eh, I also wear white pants like that le..." and the three of us went... "Uhuh... that's why we painted it white".  His reply was.. "You all painted this o.O ?!!" Lols...!  He LOVES it!  Seriously, even if he don't like it, it is ok.  I still think we did a GREAT job!!  The whole process was rather 'interesting' but I'll only blog about it on the next entry.

As for Caren who didn't make it to the party that evening, good in a way too cause we haven't got the present ready actually, :p  out of inspiration.  But thanks to her absence, now we have an INSPIRATION!   Just have to find time to execute it! :D
As usual, all lead back to more salsa.  We stepped into our bling-bling dancing shoes and headed down to Modesto nearby to salsa the night away. 
A friend who missed us at Brussel, came to join us in Modesto instead.  That's the spirit my friend!
Other than salsa, there were bachata too.  What is Bachata you asked?  Well, in my simple words it would be a kind of hip swaying dance which look best if you dance intimately with your partner.  By the word 'intimately', I only meant close together, body touching body. NOT to the extend of having sex on the dance floor. :p  Really, very very nice dance!  Try 'youtube' it and see.  ;)
Here are two that never fail to enjoy themselves immensely whenever they went mad salsa-ing on the dance floor.  Always love to catch them on candid whenever they are dancing away.  Guaranteed good shots with those beautiful smiles!
Girls spinning and spinning, guys leading and leading... everybody enjoying themselves to the beats of the latino!
At the end of it, we were all sweaty and oily.  Lols... good exercise!
Went a little mad with the camera too.  I tell you arr, nowadays arr,  whenever a camera is in sight, have to make sure (1) face tilted on best angle, (2) tummy tucked in, (3) chubby cheeks sucked in, (4) flabby arms HIDE!  Hahahaha... So when you see me turning out quite alright in a photo, just remember there were a lot of hard works ok....hehehehehe..
I think this one was taken while we were all high from endorphins.  Overdosed more like it.  Lols...  Ok lah... still very sexy and pretty... ahem ahem!  hahaahaha...

We had such an awesome evening that Saturday.  Till today, 5 days later, comments are still flying all over those photos posted on FB.  Still poking fun at each other, teasing & cursing.  An obvious sign of another good hangout!
So, to our friend Derek, who is a year wiser now (he say cannot tell his age one...), 

We are wishing you another year
of laughter, joy and fun
surprises, love and happiness.

And when your birthday is done,
as your birthdays come and go,
how very much you mean to us,
more than you can know.


Alina Grace said...

Always a damn good reason to celebrate and have fun, isn't it???

Redbabe said...


mun said...

Thoughtful gifts! Did you do most of the painting? Looks very good. *thumbs up*

Redbabe said...

Mun... Thanks! it was a joint effort. That's why it looks good :)

sdovelly said...

you guys memang party kaki gila lah! **SALUTE**~~ hehehe

Redbabe said...

sdovelly: haha... nah... not exactly kaki party gila la.. we just love salsa-ing.