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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Beautiful Saturday Morning

Today is one of those few weekends that I miraculously rise early. Earlier than my normal work days even. I enjoy quiet morning like this before the traffics head out in vengeance. Cool & crisp air... birds singing in the distance... sweet aroma of coffee filling up the air... I call morning like these 'my morning'. There is something to it that is very close to heart that I just couldn't pin point. It doesn't happen in my quiet afternoon or evening or night. Just in the morning. Between 8am to 10:00am. A strange period of time that makes me feel happy, safe and peaceful and hopeful even.

The only things that are missing though to idealized this already perfect morning would be the scent of nature - plants, freshly cut grass, dew, fogs & etc, and the sound of cartoons airing over television.

I love watching cartoons on a weekend morning. Unfortunately, I don't have such luxury anymore cause (1) I hardly wakes before 11am on weekends (2) we don't subscribe to cartoon channels and (3) even if we did subscribe, they airs different kind of cartoons these days as compared to MY time in the 80's.

During MY time, we have 'Jem and the Hologram'. Though I don't understand what they were talking about (my English was very poor then), I enjoyed it immensely. Jem was very glamourous and I wish I was her... but I also knew I was not much of a singer even then. Lols... Other than Jem, we also have...

'My Little Pony' - about cute little pastel colour horses and unicorns...

'Carebears' - bears that emits different powers... rainbows, stars, sunshine, love and so forth. Love how they can snug cozily on the clouds. Wish I could too. That's also about the time when I start to always look at at the sky and day dream bouncing on the clouds like the bears...

'The Smurfs' - I still hummed its tune every now and then...

Voltron - 5 lions when combined, makes a huge robot. My favourite lion, the blue one...

Of course, 'Transformers' too - vehicles that can transformed into robots. I wanna be the good blue truck!
The old fashion 'Mickey & Friends' that don't ask questions and answer them themselves...

'Doraemon' - I always imagine how wonderful life would be if I have that helicopter thingy on my head or that magical door that can open up to anywhere I wish to be or that I can just sit on the roof like how they always do enjoying a beautiful quiet night/sunrise/sunset.

Sigh... those were the days. Cartoons these days are so different from those in MY time. We don't have 3D, 4D, or whatever other Ds. We don't have complicated story lines. We don't have plots within plots. It was always simple and straight forward with a moral lesson at the end of it. I don't even understand cartoons these days. Lost it half way thru most of the time. Am sure it was the cartoon. Not me. Hahaha...

Anyway, I guess mornings like today just reminded me of mornings like how it used to be. Mornings when air was fresher. Mornings when things were much simpler. I love MY mornings.


Lisa said...

As a blogger myself, I know how hard it is to put yourself out there and still be creative. I just wanted to say you are doing a great job :-)


mun said...

I watched all the above cartoons that you mentioned too except for "My Little Pony".

Redbabe said...

Lisa: thanks for popping by and your words of encouragement. I dont expect much from my blogging. It just served as a reminder for me to cherish little things in life.. :)

Mun: Yay! We from the same era! Hehehehe

Alina Grace said...

I love those cartoons when I was young but I don't really fancy cartoons today....

Redbabe said...

Alina: yep, same same la..

traCe said...

i miss those 80s cartoon... hehe let's propose to tV that the re-run for all the 80s cartoon...

Redbabe said...

trace.. how arr...? u start la.. i second. hahaha