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Friday, March 26, 2010

Almost working fulltime again!

My boss just proposed that I come back to work full time should a project come thru.  I said 'No, I dont want to.'.  He said maybe on contractual basis like perhaps for a year or two.  My eyes almost pops out.  A year or two??? 9 - 5:30pm, Monday - Friday???!  No.........................................!   

Then three hours later he said, "Maybe by hour basis la... like, at least 32 hours a week and we'll put you in full time payroll with income tax, socso and kwsp".  Ran a quick calculation in my head, that is like 4 days a week... not very enticing but not too dreadful also... sounds alright.  At least I get play 3 days in a week.  To further push my luck, I said... "...and it is flexihours??" and he said.. "Yeah, flexi".  Much better now. 

Whatever it is, this is only effective IF the project come thru.  :p


mun said...

Yes, go for it if it is all flexihours and with a fulltime pay! :)

sdovelly said...

Oh sounds like a good offer to me, working flexi hours but still entitle for all the full time benefits. Your boss must love you very much! hehe...

Redbabe said...

Yeah girls... thought it sounds good too...:) Now I just keep my finger crossed. Hope the job come thru.

Alina Grace said...

Waaaa....what a negotiator you are!!!