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Monday, November 17, 2008

A song dedicated specially to my mom

This song, is one of the soundtrack from MamaMia. I found it very meaningful. Best describe how mothers felt. Wanna dedicate this song especially to my mom. I bet that's how she (and all mothers) must have felt on my wedding day.

Schoolbag in hand
She leaves home in the early morning
Waving goodbye
With an absent-minded smile
I watch her go
With a surge of that well-known sadness
And I have to sit down for a while
The feeling that I'm loosing her forever
And without really entering her world
I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter
That funny little girl
Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
The feeling in it
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Do I really see what's in her mind
Each time I think I'm close to knowing
She keeps on growing
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Sleep in our eyes
Her and me at the breakfast table
Barely awake
I let precious time go by
Then when she's gone
There's that odd melancholy feeling
And a sense of guilt
I can't deny
What happened to the wonderful adventures
The places I had planned for us to go
Well some of that we did
But most we didn't
And why I just don't know
Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
The feeling in it
Slipping through my fingers all the time
Do I really see what's in her mind
Each time I think I'm close to knowing
She keeps on growing
Slipping through my fingers all the time

Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
And save it from the funny tricks of time
Slipping through my fingers -

Schoolbag in hand
She leaves home in the early morning
Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile


i said...

Hey, I like your new look! I mean, the blog hehehe...Where did you get such a nice template?

That's a really lovely song and dedication to your mom. Her eyes must be leaking now :-)


"u said it serendipity", its bluring my vision........it brings back many many memories.......

Redbabe said...

when i heard this song, i got enchanted by its melody. When i saw the lyric, i thought of my mom & me. That's us.

Redbabe said...

hey serendipity,

forgot to answer yr question.. for the templates, u can click on the link on my page. top left corner.