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Monday, November 17, 2008

A Sad Day + A New Look

I sibuk sibuk wanted to change the design of my blog to a more Christmasty feel in conjunction with the season next month. Mana tau, screwed up big time. My blog counter gone. All my favourite links gone. My furkids, Rumba & Sunshine's photos, gone too. Live feed & playlist also gone. Basically everything gone except for the standard stuff like 'category' & 'archive'.
Paling sakit hati was, susah-susah my blog finally reached 5000 visitors, all wiped out sekaligus. Have to start all over again from zero. Haizzz... sadnya... I am not Kenny nor Xiaxue, so it's quite difficult for me to reach 5000 visitors again. It's gonna take awhile...haizz....
How it happened was, as I was trying to insert the new template, my love was sitting next to me. When a reminder popped up saying something about not supporting some stuffs, I hesitated but my love on the other hand said, "Darling...just do it! Click ok, click ok... just do it!". I mah obediently clicked 'ok' lor... Mana tau, when the page loaded, everything hilang!
I told my mom, the feeling is like dying without finding the body (cantonese: sei mo si hai). Haizz.........! Anyway, from now until December, this will be the new sickeningly sweet look at 'Redbabe's Cozy Corner'.


traCe said...

nevermind lah..maybe its hinting your visitor count will hit 2 - 3 times compare with the 1st one :) i like the new look~

Redbabe said...

insyallah la.....

glad that you like the new look! I can imagine my friends rolling their eyes thinking to themselves "sickeningly sweet, typical gladys"...lols

~ RaChel Lim ~ said...

The new look is great... but it loads slowly... mayb my connection is slow too.. I've to wait longer to read ur newly post.. but i like the look cos i like pink too..