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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Household tips #1 - Bye bye grease!

Last night as I was doing something (can't remember what it was), a bright idea strike me. Instead of blogging about silly stuff all the time, I will blog about something useful once in awhile such as life's tips/tricks which I've picked up as I go about my life, just to share with you. Hopefully, these little tips/tricks will help to make your life like a bed of roses.
I would like to start off this label with a household tips. Remember how we hate to clean up after a cooking storm? Splattered oil all over the stove? How you would need to use soapy sponge to clean the grease followed by a wet cloth?
Maybe you already know of the trick. Anyway, for those of you that is still cleaning up using the conventional ways, here's how you should do it. Just spray some glass cleaner over it, and wipe it off with a damp cloth. Voila! All grease gone!
Oh... one more thing. Please don't get cheap brand. Cheap brand usually come in other colours like purple and etc. Those are not as effective as the blue ones. Good luck!

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