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Friday, May 7, 2010


I actually have got NOTHING to do today.  No dirty laundries to tackle (for once!), the house is squeaky clean and nothing to harvest in Farmville!  Let's just rot.  Or, I could chill and continue with my book (Shanghai Girls), do my nails, lunch with girlfriends, draft my Part 3 HK trip, play Wii, watch the TVB drama bought months ago, gardening... let's just see how I feel first. ;)

* 5 hours later *

Did my nails, both fingers & toes.  Made a bad choice to go MValley, spent almost 40 minutes circling around looking for parking. Luckily, in the end, found the vase I set out to find.  Something similar to the one I accidentally chipped it's corner , which does not belong to me.


Big Cow said...

sound like you do have things to do leh :P

Redbabe said...


Alina Grace said...

Lucky you!!!!!