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Friday, April 26, 2013

Coming Real Soon...

A routine check-up on Monday resulted in my decision to go for c-section.  Yes, at 9 months, I've yet to decide.  It was a complicated decision.

First it was a fibroid at a wrong place that might deter natural birth.  So c-sec was in the picture.  Just as when I am all conditioned for a c-sec, apparently the fibroid is not an issue at all.  I have to recondition my mind for a natural birth.  Then, just as I am all prepared for going natural, the amniotic fluid dropped by half and the doc advised for a c-sec within the week.  Oh my baby... you are having fun aren't you messing with mommi's mind?

Didn't do much research/studies re the two methods of delivery.  Either way doesn't seem any better than the other.  One you have it out between your legs and the other, thru your cut stomach.    Whatever it is, baby still needs to come out.  Come what may. 

And so, THE DAY has been set.  O.M.G.


mun said...

Hi Redbabe,

How are you and baby? Hope both of you are doing fine. Can't wait to see baby.

Redbabe said...

hi mun,

we r both doing great! Thanks!