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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Alive But Brain Dead

Yes, I am still alive (in case you are wondering).  But at the verge of brain dead though.  Not out of working but out of handling 'people'.  The husband finds it comical or even entertaining though when I tell him bits and pieces of my day.  Take today for example, these are just some of the happenings.

Case 1
I have a 'Sales Manager' of 'Targus' (supplier of laptop cable lock) telling me they never face the problem before and that it is human error when we filed a complain on their malfunctioned lock which is still stuck in our laptops.  He even told us to get 'the professional' for assistance.  I almost died.  If a technician replied me that, I can understand.  A "Sales Manager"?  What was he thinking???  I emailed him this with a caption, "I wouldn't be so sure. Try googling it and see what pops up on your screen!".  Of course it was not just that.  Let's just say the email was longer and acid-er.  

Case 2
I am arranging for a chauffered car for an event this Saturday and am in the midst of finalizing the cost.  There is this annoying Administrator that kept asking me for the 'driver's details' every half hour.  From 9am - 12noon she had asked at least 5 times.  The last straw was when she asked again 15 minutes later. I almost screamed at her but of course I didn't.  I just tell her "If I have the details, I would definitely give you right?  Why would I keep them in my pocket for? So please stop harassing me.  I will give it to you when I get them.  I am not as patient as you are.  So just, please, stop.  I can't take this shit." :p And she knows very well driver's info will only come a day prior to the event.

Case 3
Decided to grab some groceries from Mercato after dance class.  Was stopped by a guard as I was pushing the cart out after paying.  He said I am not allowed to push the cart to the carpark (which was just about 25m away and it was not even in the carpark yet.  You know those escalator area?).  So I told him if that's the case, then he would have to help me carry my stuff for me.  I had a cart full of stuff.  He just kept repeating.. no no.  At this point, after a long day, my patient is wearing extreme thin.  I just pushed the cart away from me and tell him I don't want these stuff anymore.  Refund my money. :p  Reluctantly, he allowed me to push the cart right to my car and stood there watching me loading everything into the boot.  Not even helping.  Wtf?  If you have unusable cart, put a big note there that says "IT IS ONLY FOR USE UP TO THE CHECKOUT POINT".  Stupid.

Case 4
This one happened last week I think.  I noted some irrelevant bills being charged to our department and so I requested for more info re it.  This smart alec replied that the payment is correctly charged and that she had made this payment before.  Having payment made before doesn't necessary means it is correct right?  Upon some verifications and I was right.  It was wrongly charged all these while and God knows how much it has cost us.  I think brain cells are very precious these days.  So they decidedly to use it wisely.  They don't think anymore!  Just do blindly cause "I have done it before!".  

Now I seriously 'feel' Big Cow whenever she blogged about work or Alina whenever she complained about working with morons. I have a whole new perception of the words 'morons' now.  They actually do exists and they got a job! OMG! What a shock!


Big Cow said...

Makes u wonder, if they don't use their braincells at work, where do they use it on? ;-) I even created a blog on workmate :pMakes u wonder, if they don't use their braincells at work, where do they use it on? ;-) I even created a blog on workmate :pork, where do they use it on? ;-) I even created a blog on workmate :pMakes u wonder, if they don't use their braincells at work, where do they use it on? ;-) I even created a blog on workmate :p

Mrs. Pancakes said...

Glad you are doing well. work people can definitely be crazy!

mun said...

Thanks for your new post. Was waiting to hear from you. :)

Wah, your boss should reward you amply for spotting the bills in case 4. What a dedicated employee you are!

I like what you did in case 3. Sometimes these guards really do not know how to be flexible and act according to the situation at hand.

Redbabe said...

wow.... i felt so welcome with all your comments. After being missing for a month, i thought you guys must have forgotten me. :)

Thank you thank you.... hehehe

Actually i have so much to share. the trips i took, the things i did, the show we performed. Soon soon...

Big Cow said...

i wish there is a "like" button next to ur comment, babe ;)

Alina Grace said...

Yes...working with morons. They seem to make our lives more interesting, wouldn't you agree??? Though I am pretty sure you would love to cause some physical harm if it was only right and legal because that's how I feel sometimes!!!! Hehehehehehehe.....