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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bersih, Clean, クリーン, Schoon, สะอาด, чистый

What is BERSIH?

Wikipedia:  Bersih, literally means 'clean' in Malay.  In Malaysia, it is also a coalition of Malaysian opposition political parties and NGOs with the stated aim of reforming the electoral process in the country specifically:

1) Usage of permanent ink to ensure that voters may only vote once.
2) A clean out of the electoral rolls to remove entries that are no longer valid such as deceased people.
3) The abolition of postal votes on the basis that they are easily abused.
4) Bersih demands that all candidates and political parties have equal access to print and broadcast media.

So, what about it?
Well, BERSIH scheduled a second peaceful street demonstration for tomorrow, 9th July, ahead of the anticipated 2012 national Malaysian elections.

What's the big hoo haa?
1) The government & pro-government media critised the demonstration extensively.
2) The police arrested a number of BERSIH supporters in the lead-up to the event.
3) The government banned the demonstrations.
4) The government requested for the demonstration to be held at stadiums but did not approved stadium usage?  Confusing? 
5) Placed road blocks on all road leading into city centre to prevent demonstrator from entering.
6) Block/Checks on light rail transit and arrest whoever carries a BERSIH t-shirt.
7) They mislead the general public of BERSIH with 'May 13 Tragedy' which was erupted out of racism rather than fair electoral system thus creating dejavu sense of insecurities and anger within the people.

Seriously, what's so wrong in demonstrating for a fair electoral process?  What's so wrong in using permanent ink to ensure voters only voted once?  Or cleaning out the electoral rolls to remove deceased people's entries?  Die already definitely cannot go vote right?  Or abolishing postal voting which are easily abused or equal access to print and broadcast media?

Unless of course they don't want the electoral process to be fair and they need people to vote more than once, even the dead too.  Tempering with postal voting when necessary and monopolizing the print and broadcast media to mess up the general public's mind.

You decide.  I gave up.  But, I wore YELLOW today!  Yay! 

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