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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Muaks... Everybody!

Happy Valentine Day to everyone ...

Another stuff toy? Roses? and etc etc? We were at Memory Lane earlier and it was jam packed with people, girls & boys, old & young, trying their utmost best to choose something for their love one for Valentine Day. Better just simply grabbed something than being crucified for not getting any... hehehe...

Seen quite a few guys holding bunch of flowers, getting ready for tomorrow. I told Harrison not to get me any flowers for Valentine Day. Any other day is fine except for Valentine's Day. Cause prices of flowers are sky-high. Might as well give me the money. :p

Honestly, I dont know what to think of Valentine Day or how I feel towards it. Flowers' prices are tripled, restaurants capitalising on this 'romantic day' by cramping as much tables as they could and yet still charging irridiculous price for a set menu (pre-cooked mass production food). With the table an arm's length away the next, we will have to really really whisper our sweet nothing or better still, use sign language, so that the next table would not hear.

Nevertheless, there are many other ways to celebrate Valentine Day without having the need to spend too much. But if we are always good to each other, happy, and enjoy every minute of being together, what's the difference between Valentine Day and any other day?

Hmm.... I strongly believe that St.Valentine must have own a rose farm or a novelty shop long long ago and going thru a rough patch in his business. Being a marketing man, he invented a day for love and called it "Valentine Day" to promote his sales. Yeah, i think that's right. Logical.

Hehehehe... enough of blabbering. Hope you all, girls & boys, young & old, have a sweet & romantic
Valentine Day. Mmmuaks........!


i said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Yup, it's way too commercialised nowadays. Originally it's only celebrated by lovebirds (I think) but nowadays everyone is celebrating it with everyone else heh heh...


Me.....sobs......no maid, busy picking and cleaning up pieces that she left, changeing stuff that needed to be changed.........boy.. m tired, no strength to go for 'valentine celebration'.

Redbabe said...

hahaha... honestly i got no mood to go for candlelight dinner on Valentine's Day. The crowd, the queue.. no thank you.

We went for a good Japanese dinner with the family. At least our dinner room is rsvp in advance! :D
When we came out of the room, we saw all 'black face' couples. Must be frust with the queue....hahahaha....

i said...

Yeah, either really really black or really really red faces hahaha...