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Friday, October 31, 2014

Mantra of the day - Keep Calm & Keep Ignoring

Over the years, I've friends who called up to chit chat every now and then be it over coffee, lunch, watsapp & etc and it always inadvertently will end up with some life issues and that gave me a 'light bulb' moment!  I've decided to inject some personal life mantras that I've been living by here in my blog every now and then (whenever I am inspired :p), with an intention to help & share.

We are all in our own learning path.  Everyone has their own ways.  Mine may not be the best.  But if it is able to fuel you with the slightest positive energy, my job is done. :)

Therefore, Redbabe's first MANTRA of the day would be:-

Don't allow what others have to say or think about you affect YOU.  We can't control what they want to think (unless we are Megamind) or say.  But, we can control how we want to react to it. You can choose to be upset or you can choose to ignore.  I would say...  KEEP CALM & KEEP IGNORING.  They are just being smart ass without realising it.  :p  


mun said...

This is a good advice! Can't wait to read the rest of them.

Redbabe said...

Thanks Mun!