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Friday, April 4, 2008

Loving & Dying

I chatted with a close friend recently and she asked me something about death. I can't remember her exact words, but its something about it's kinda sad to die... to leave behind our love ones, our kids, parents and everything. Then I remembered a book I read and wish to share its excerp. It may not be relevant to the conversation, nevertheless, here you go :-

"No one is spared from death. All of us have to die. Life is uncertain but death is certain. The Buddha says birth is suffering because it leads inevitably to decay and death. We should understand this well. If we accept life, we must accept death. If we want to cry when somebody dies, then we should also cry at his birth. For the moment a baby is born, the seed of death is in him. But we are happy when a child is born. We laugh and we congratulate the parents. If we understand birth - that is must lead to death - then when death comes, we should be able to face it with a smile."

"Everything is impermanent. Understanding it, we will be able to let go. We will not be so attached to the gross sensual pleasures of life. We can live more wisely. We can grow old gracefully. And we need not fear death."

"While we are alive, we ought to live meaningfully so as to have no regrets later. Forgive everybody. Do not harbour any grudges or consider anybody your enemies. Life is short, and soon we will all be dead".

I went thru depression couple of times and I stumbled upon this book when I was at my down-est. And instead of feeling depressed over what happened, it opened up my eyes to look things at different perpective. And that is, everything happened for a reason.

Why thyroid? - So I dont take good health for granted.
Why my eye protrude & my terrible break out? - Many others are far worst than I am. So what if my eye protrude? I still can see :) Just a little blurrish..lols
Why me? - Why not me?
Why my favourite cousin passed away? - So that he suffer less and find peace.
Why a good friend lied? - Cause she is unhappy.

Life is full of choices. =) We have a choice to see things in however ways we like. We can look at its positive side, or negative side if we want to. Why not look at it at a brighter note? Why condemn? Why not praise? Its not easy. But as long as we have a conscious mind and make an effort to see things in a different light, am sure we will be able to see many beautiful things.

So, forgive & forget, let go & move on. Remove unhappiness & hatred from our heart, so there will be more space for love. Then we can love more richly, more deeply. And when death comes, we can die with acceptance & peace. I am still trying. :)



hahaha....it's easier said than done, l m still trying very hard to do exactly that.....

Redbabe said...

trying better than not trying. :)