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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Redbabe Sewing Again!

My first curtain project. Decided that I need a new set of curtain for my living room yesterday and therefore went to a kedai kain, and chose a simple neutral tone fabric that goes with my furniture. (another reason is cause it's cheap. afterall this is my first curtain project, not sure it'll see any daylight).

Started the cutting and measuring at about 11pm last night, and by about 2:00am, completed my first panel... ahhh....... total satisfaction.

Went to buy additional fabric this morning to complete the second panel (under estimated fabric requirement) and bought some other fabric for my kitchen as well.

(this fabric goes better with a white wall. still thinking should I or should I not change the wall colour. harrison already promised to do it for me. hmm... am kinda lazy though..)

All I wanna say is, am kinda proud of myself for completing these projects. :p I am afterall, my mom's daughter. All these skills must have been pre-programmed into me... hahaha.... or that i've learned subconciously while watching my mom doing all her sewing projects long ago.

Its not that difficult afterall!

living hall curtain = less than RM40
(i've been paying ikea RM100+ for 2-panel curtains all these while and I thought that is cheap!! how dumb!!!!)



wow!!! now...nobody can said u ar not my daughter, u got my gene, well done, l m impress, 'm..m..muack'
The kitchen fabric goes very well with the wall, the wall is green and the fabric has a touch of green too, so is nice....l think it match perfectly.

Redbabe said...

hehehe...... i thought just to paint 2 walls white. White will make the kitchen look more 'Laura Ashely' type... I sew the whole set,flowery fridge top cloth, placemat for my tray & mitten too.

anyway, forget it. I think I am too lazy to paint.

traCe said...

i love it ! i love it! both mother and daughter memang talented =)

Redbabe said...

tracy.. glad that you love it...hehehe....

i think next, i gonna prepare a collections and start my own fashion show...lols *day dreaming*