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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Bump @ 8 mths

At 8 months, there are less kungfu kicking/elbowing but more squirming.  It feels like I have a really really large goldfish that have limited space to move about.  Beginning to feel a little clumsy and if I walk too much, will feel a pain on my heel and a little strained on my lower back.  Other than that, it was ok.  Still sleep well, eat normal.
Talking about eating, for lunch & dinner, I eat much smaller portion as compared to before pregnancy.  But I do need to snack in between.  Averagely, every 2.5 hours or so, snacking on fresh fruits mostly.  Had lots and lots of fruits.  Have always love fruits anyway.  

As for cravings, no cravings.  Would prefer not to eat if I have a choice (just plain no appetite).  Can't stand outside food.  I suspect it is the 'ajinomoto' that puts me off.  The husband on the other hand, eat more than he used to.  Once in a while, odd cravings too!  He gets agitated if his cravings not fulfilled.  Hahahahaha.... strange!


mun said...

Wow, that's a very artistic and nice photo of you! I think your husband may be experiencing Couvade syndrome, also called sympathetic pregnancy, hehehe.

Redbabe said...

Thanks... if you knew how this shot was taken... you will have a good laugh.

The husband had me take picture of him first posing... show him wat kind of picture i want to be taken, then he mimic my shots...if not for the big tummy, i probably literally rolling on the floor laughing out loud!