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Tuesday, May 21, 2013


It is day 22 with the little one. With the new addition, my life sort of felt completed. Or rather, he completes me. At 35, I guessed I have more or less gained all life experiences I needed to at this stage and being a mommi came just about the right time. Believe me, it's kinda fun despite of the sleep deprivation.
Of course there are times when the little one got all cranky & screaming, but as time goes, I've sort of decipher the many types of cries – the 'feed me' cry, the 'change my diaper' cry or simply 'I need attention' cry, thus making things much easier. 

The husband & my mom has been of great help. Taking over whenever things gets a little out of hand or when I am in need of beauty sleep. 'Beauty Sleep'? Let me rephrase that. At this stage, it should be more aptly put as 'survival sleep'. Lols...

Anyway, everything at home now revolves around the little one. Each and everyone of us can just spent the whole day marveling at the bundle and nothing else. Even Rumba too. The little one is so filled with love.


Mrs. K said...

Isn't being a mommy one of the most rewarding things ever. It's amazing. Congratulations on your little bundle of joy. Things will get better by the day. I love being a mom and being a mature mom (over 30) helps a lot. I like that I've had a chance to have "fun." Now it's a different type of fun with the little one. Best of luck.

mun said...

Hi Redbabe, good to know that you are enjoying life with baby!

Redbabe said...

Hey Mrs K... been awhile since i last see u dropping by.. :) Totally agree with your being a 'mature mum'. I too feel it makes a big difference. It feels right to be a mum now... as if we all are ready to take up the role, calmer too.

Mun... geez.. yes!