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Friday, July 25, 2008

Slightly Interesting Happenings (... for the last two weeks) - Part 2

I shall continue my story. I went to see a skin doc last Tue cause i recently developed some stubborn rashes which just refused to go away. So, seen a dermatologist. He said it’s a kind of ezema. Gave me some cream to apply and 2 biji of pills. 1 biji 1 week. Must be damn keng medication. 3 days into applying the cream and taking the med, can see improvement already. And now, it is almost gone. They are not call a dermatologist for no reason. I’ve previously seen a GP for this rash. Instead of telling me what it is, he is asking me what it is. This is one of the things I hate about going to a GP. That’s why, sometimes I refused to go to a doc even though am not well. Prefer to prescribe myself with medication. If flu, clarinase + hot apple cider with honey. If fever, panadol. If sorethroat, Strepsils. Case closed. Anyway, this dumb GP just gave me some meds and ask me to see him again when the meds finished to see how the rash is. Do you believe it? There is not even a cream in sight to treat rashes. Of course I didn’t go back after that. Which fool would pay money only to diagnose his/her own condition? Definitely not me. Better to consult Dr Lee (in case u dont know, that's me).

So, yes, I did something to my hair early this week. Nothing new. Just the standard stuff. Touching up my hair colour and trimming of my unbelievable long hair. My hair grown so long all of a sudden, its kinda irritating cause its difficult to be tied up, and messy when it is let down. Don’t worry, didn’t cut it short even though I really fancy a bob. But no hairstylist is willing to style that for me. I believe, from their experience, they are sure I will look ‘super-cacat’ with a bob. Anyway, halfway thru trimming, I decided to have a fringe like what I had a year ago. So, here I am, a new hairstyle with a fringe + new colour. I am not going to show you any photo of my new look yet cause for time being, I think I look a bit weird with this new fringe. This time, I think my stylist cut it a little too short. So give me two weeks. In two weeks time, it should look just fine (hopefully)…. Hehehehehe…

So, with my new look, I had an oriental afternoon at this Thai restaurant called Celadon in Pavillion with a girlfriend on Wednesday. The ‘Oriental Chic’ themed fashion show event was organized by Harper’s Bazaar & Shanghai Tang. Didn’t dress to the theme cause my cheongsam or my aodai feels as though it gonna burst at its seams when tried on. I can imagine a *gasp* on your end… yes, I think I put on some weight. It’s plain fat, not baby… so stop imagining things…. hahaha…..ok ok… anyway, with my new fringe, also got a bit oriental-ish la…it is just a small fashion show featuring Shanghai Tang’s collection. Overall, it’s nice. They served yummy finger food and delicious lychee mint ice blended. As for the fashion, it is just not my style. Their designs revolving around fabrics with Chinese auspicious symbols prints like the yuan bao (gold ingot), double fish or the mystic knots. I tried very hard to like it, since they are also serving us yummy food, but arr…the price is crazily expensive. No point mentioning it here also. Might as well don't try so hard to like it. Hehehehe….

So, here u goes, summary of my slightly interesting happenings for last two weeks. Ok mou?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok la.. suien lei la!